As my time in my Student Internship is running out, it's time to begin thinking about a culminating activity for my math unit on geometry! In talking with my cooperating teacher, we have come up with a pretty fun idea to display all of our knowledge on shapes. The activity directions are displayed below:
Unit 8: Geometry
¾ Part I: Your pretest—
Glue your shape to the white square background
(you may decorate later).
You must demonstrate your knowledge
of your chosen shape by doing the following:
Mathematically name your shape.
Label the following elements directly
on your shape:
Rectangle, and Triangle—measure the base and height and then find the perimeter
and area of your shape.
§ Circle—correctly
label the parts of your shape (chord, diameter, radius, center, and
¾ Part II: Your design—
You may now begin you design! The contractor has provided you with your
materials (the tangram shapes), and you may only use these materials
(you may, however, trade colors with a friend, but you must use all shapes
Glue your shape to the white square
background (you may decorate later).
Finally, name your sculpture and
provide 5-6 sentences that mathematically and narratively describe what your
sculpture is and what shapes you used.
completion of your designs, we will create a class quilt that will display all
of your wonderful hard work in our hallway.
But remember: only one person’s sculpture will stand proudly outside
McIntosh Elementary!
Click here for the complete project handout and rubric.
Want a great literature connection?! Grandfather Tang's Story is a perfect book to read your students while working through the geometry unit!
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