
Thursday, March 15, 2012

"Plan B"

My biggest struggle thus far in my student internship has been behavior management (an area in which I feel may people have difficulty).  Luckily, I have the best cooperating teacher in the world, Mimi Hager, and she has already taught me so much! 

A simple, but VERY effective, strategy she uses is called "Plan B," and it goes a little something like this.  As teachers we usually plan fun and exciting activities to do with our students.  We like to refer to these plans as "Plan A."  They usually include interactive SMART boards, games, centers, and partner work, and these are the lessons our students want us to teach because they are enjoyable.  On the other hand, we have "Plan B."  These lessons are student-taught straight from their textbook.  They are completed quietly at their tables.  Our students hate "Plan B" because they are boring, and most important of all, SILENT.

I have begun implementing "Plan B" in the classroom when the students cannot control their behavior and focus during a lesson.  They are given a warning, and if their poor behavior continues, we go to "Plan B."  I have started writing "Plan B" on the white board in the morning so that the students are aware that it is there.  It serves as a little reminder of what choices they can make throughout the day.  "Plan B" worked very well today, and I am hoping that the students' behavior will improve so that we no longer have to go to "Plan B."


  1. Oh I am having issues with behaviour management too!! They are just too chatty. I'm told them that they ultimately choose the type of activity we do - interactive or quiet, individual work - depending on their behaviour as a class.

    But I am going to borrow "Plan A" and "Plan B". Less lecturing on my behalf haha.

    Good luck Miss Rowley xx
    Daydreams of a Student Teacher

  2. I just found your blog. I'm a newbie blogger too!

    Sparkles , Smiles, and Student Teaching

  3. I teach 4th grade and do something similar but only he students who are misbehaving have to do the independent work at their desk and the rest if the class continues with the fun interactive activity. I tell then that participation is a privilege and they have lost it for today and can try again tomorrow. Seems to work really well bc the kids who don't misbehave aren't punished and the ones who do get to see what they're missing. Good luck!

  4. Hi, I do something similar...when they are getting off track with their behavior...they have to complete a Back on Track assignment (very boring!). I just found your blog and I am your newest follower! Come by my blog anytime!

    One Teacher's Take
